DOTA 2: API Performance: Page 6 of 6

DOTA 2: API Performance: Page 6 of 6
Written by John Ham Published Saturday, September 9, 2017 - 09:55
Welp, the testing is done and the results are in! We had a couple surprises, but hopefully the results gave you some insight into improving your Dota 2 performance and experience. To keep it simple, it seems last generation and current generation graphics cards prefer the DirectX 11 render mode and it should be your default. Both AMD and NVIDIA saw a nice boost in average framerate with the DX11 option and should give you capabilities to support 144hz and 244hz 1080p displays.
One huge surprise for the Red Team, is the poor visual quality and missing shadows in OpenGL. Not only does it perform worse, it visually is inferior to the rest of our render modes. This is a shining example of why NVIDIA has been king in the Linux gaming community as OpenGL had been the only render option until Vulkan. Luckily, AMD has made a lot of strides for improving drivers and performance on the Linux platform and this commitment has been noticed by the penguin fans!
Thanks for reading and stay tuned for future performance guides!